Client Tiger Family, Pumpkin Records
Format 12" LP album
Cover photography by Noemi Conesa, Julia Kaufmann
Despite the mellow vibe of the record, the close listener will find a lot of details in the arrangements and the recordings.
In respect of the sound of the songs, the artwork's filled with affectionate details, providing an earthy color spectrum.
LP Cover artwork for the Tiger Family. Despite the mellow vibe of the record, the close listener will find a lot of details in the arrangements and the recordings.
In respect of the sound of the songs, the artwork's filled with affectionate details, providing an earthy color spectrum.
LP Cover artwork for the Tiger Family. Despite the mellow vibe of the record, the close listener will find a lot of details in the arrangements and the recordings.
In respect of the sound of the songs, the artwork's filled with affectionate details, providing an earthy color spectrum.
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